
Chi Acupuncture for Infertility

Success rate* with our acupuncture-herbs, mind-body combined treatments
Our clinic maintain the general success rate of infertility treatments at 67 % to 85% in 2012 based on following two criteria:

  1. 67% is based on the number of women who delivery the baby successfully.
  2. 85% is based on the number of positive pregnancy tests.


  1. Those patients who dropped the treatments due to moving, relationship changing, or other personal reasons are not counted into the database.
  2. We maintains our commitment of nondiscrimination based on age, marital situation, relationship arrangement or financial status. We remain committed to tailoring our care to the individual patient wrestling with infertility. But we still have the right to evaluate patients’ qualification for treatments.
  3. The Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) has a national database for reporting fertility treatment outcomes. The report is generated by SART and published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The system assures consistency in reporting center outcomes throughout the United States. It’s good reference for you to compare the clinic results. But SARTdoesn’t include acupuncture outcome data.
  4. We will try our best to update the data on March every year. We started to use electronic database since 2012. So yearly statistic starts from 2012.This article shows the The Ancient Art of Infertility Treatment

When it comes to getting pregnant, old world techniques may be just what today’s high-tech doctors will order.
